Thursday, 6 October 2011

Embed sound in blog (Solution 2:)

Want to add songs to your blog , but not succeeded yet?
Here is your solution.

Use Internet Explorer/Firefox for this trick for better results. Some browsers do not support this script.

1. GoTo your blog's Dashboard ---> Design ---> Edit HTML.
2. Tick on  Expand Widget Templates
3. Find "<body"
4. Paste the code below <"body":

<!-- src="" --> 
<center><embed src="YOUR FILE SOURCE" height="40" width="300" type="application/x-mplayer2" autostart="0" loop="1" volume="-1" hidden="0"></embed></center>

For more information on YOUR FILE SOURCE  Click Here
If you want to autostart the sound on page loading use  autostart="1" in place of  autostart="0". 
You can also use
1. GoTo your blog's Dashboard ---> Design ---> Page Element.
2. Add a Gadget "HTML/Java Script"
3. Paste the code above.

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